Dan Emmanuel R. Ventura, R.N.
That name means only one thing - I've successfully passed the Nurse Licensure Examination on November 29 and 30, 2009 and have the right to carry the RN signature at the back of my name meaning that i'm already a registered nurse.
With all the anxieties and apprehensions that have come my way, I can finally say that I am breathing deeply now without any stress and pressure. I am relieved and can finally sleep peacefully at nights. I thank God that he granted our prayers, and we will not stop praying, for it is for his greater Glory to continue to serve in his name.
Thank you to everyone who has made this possible. Without you, it would have been impossible. Thank you and God Bless!
Dan Emmanuel R. Ventura, R.N.
a.k.a. Zeldascorn