10 things to keep your PC virus free

Most of us use computers in our everyday life. Especially for us nursing students, who create Case studies with the use of the computer. Sometimes we use those thumbdrives to copy those already finished documents and apply the famous tactic of "copy and paste".
But do you think that all computers are virus free? Those nasty little things that could go to another PC by simply accessing our thumbdrives. Viruses, Trojans and other malware are the things that may spread by the simple click of a mouse.

So here are 10 tips to keep your PC virus free:

1. Never use floppy disks - floppy disks are now more vulnerable to infiltrations than any USB flashdrive, so it's better to avoid them, any place, any time. Get a flashdrive or something better.

2. Install Antivirus Software - This is your best friend when it comes to killing those mean little things - viruses. You can download some good AV for free or you can buy them. But still if you're not the type of buying your software, then here are some FREE anvtiruses:

a. AVG Free - Download here
- one of the most popular AV known.
b. Avast Home edition - Download here
- also a free and good AV
c. Avira AntiVir Personal 8 - Download Here
- Good AV too

> There are still others out there but I prefer these three of the Free Antivirus community. If you have the money, you could go out and buy some of those better known antiviruses like Nod32, Kaspersky, Norton or McAfee. I personally use Nod32 Antivirus.

3. Download update definition files / Update your antivirus - DO THIS EVERYTIME YOU LOG IN INTO YOUR PC! These are the most important files your antivirus need. What do you do with an antivirus without any updates?

4. Scan your USB Flash Drive | Portable Hard Drive - This is done to prevent the spread of any virus, trojan, or malware from and into your PC. Do this on a regular basis like every time you insert your or another person's flash disks, etc.

5. Computer Shops, Friends' or other person's PC, School - Know where you insert your portable devices! These are primary spots where you can acquire those nasty monsters. If you really need a files from that PC, better send it to your PC via email, and scan it there!

6. Beware of those who will use your personal computer! - Don't let anybody get in front of your PC without permission - most of all, don't let them insert any portable devices without you monitoring it! This happens to me most of the time. GRRRRRR....

7. McAfee Site Advisor - This is a cool little utility for browser which shows the safety of the sites you are browsing. For example, those shown in red are dangerous/harmful sites. Better avoid them. Those shown in green are safe sites. Those in yellow are sites that have not been visited yet by mcafee.

Download the Free Version HERE!

8. Know your BROWSER - most browser have weaknesses when it comes to blocking pop ups and saving cookies that could be harmful to your PC.

a. Mozilla Firefox 3.0 - Download HERE
b. Internet Explorer 7 - Download HERE
c. Maxthon 2 - Download HERE
d. Apple Safari - Download HERE

9. Do a daily AV SCAN - it doesn't harm to scan for viruses each time you open your PC. No viruses - better performance you'll get.

10. Downloads - Avoid downloading from sites you're not familiar with. Most viruses and trojans can arise from there.

Hope these tips might help to keep your PC virus FREE!



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